2005-10-08 14:06:04 UTC
I jusndia it want to say serves them right. A earthqauke hit Pakistan, near
Islamabad, measuring 7.6 on the richner scale, affecting Afghanistan,
Pakistan and India. (Pakistan and Afghanistan is very homophobic, I think s
too.) Phelpsy boy's thinking doesn't reflect what happens in the real world.
God hates homophobes, not the other way around. Denounce your homophobic
ways NOW. The countries mot affected by the Asian Tsunami were homophobic
to, African countries affected by disease, famine, poverty are homophobic.
South Africa is the richest African country and guess what? its gay
The evidence is mounting up boys.
Islamabad, measuring 7.6 on the richner scale, affecting Afghanistan,
Pakistan and India. (Pakistan and Afghanistan is very homophobic, I think s
too.) Phelpsy boy's thinking doesn't reflect what happens in the real world.
God hates homophobes, not the other way around. Denounce your homophobic
ways NOW. The countries mot affected by the Asian Tsunami were homophobic
to, African countries affected by disease, famine, poverty are homophobic.
South Africa is the richest African country and guess what? its gay
The evidence is mounting up boys.